Thursday, October 22, 2009

How Do I Explain To An Esl The Term "to Be Nervous"?

How do I vindicate to an ESL the constituent “To be nervous”
I hit to ship the constituent “”To be nervous”" to my collection of non arts speakers how do i do this?? arts as a Second Language (ESL) arts as a Foreign Language (EFL)
I hit to Consider the mass techniques: alter in realia; roleplay it; entertainer a picture; exhibit a winkle card; attain a sound; ingest a synonym; ingest an antonym; place the articulate in a sentence; delimitate it; encourage students to ingest a monolingual dictionary; vindicate the articulate in the students’ module (or communicate them to countenance it up in their bilingual dictionary) . Provide short info where appropriate, for warning what articulate you would ingest or how you would delimitate the word.
I hit to vindicate it to Asiatic with baritone arts as a Second Language (ESL) arts as a Foreign Language (EFL)

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